Sunday, December 26, 2010

Giving Thanks

Americans have this day they celebrate; Thanksgiving Day. Pre- Google days, it would have been sufficient enough to just say it is a day when (like the name suggests) they presumably give thanks for all they have to be thankful for over the year gone by- or in life as a whole. Now the advent of Google has rendered not giving enough on any subject as sloppy work. However explaining when the holiday came into existence and by whose idea is not absolutely relevant, in my humble opinion, to the purpose of this particular posting really.
I am simply amazed that of all the things American that have been adapted the world over, this – Thanksgiving Day- has not been foremost amongst them. Not that jeans are not entirely deserving of their global trend rating. But how can jeans or rap and R & B prove more preferable globally to having a day in the year set aside to just be thankful? Why the United Nations has not yet declared a UN International Day of Thanks... Or why not just pick a random day, to express gratitude like I am choosing to do here?

v  I want to give thanks for each and every member of my Facebook Make Belonging An Animated Feature Film Campaign group, numbering 52 to the date of this posting. It means out there, there are 51 of you besides myself who believe in my dream enough to join me to push for it. And I’ll always remember you, all 51 of you believed from the very first. Thank you, thank you all. Your participation and those personal messages have been encouragement to turn to when needed.

v  My writing took me to Tanzania in 2010 for a workshop. An all expenses paid experience of a week in a fancy hotel... which once I subdued the paranoia of missing my flight and being left behind, stranded in a foreign country- or being dispossessed of my laptop and passport (usual touristy concerns)- was an exciting occasion. Thank you to the organisers and fellow participants for making the event the fantastic eye-opener it was.

v  I am thankful for being chosen as a winner for the Golden Baobab Prize. An incredible gift for the year’s end.

v  And I am thankful I am alive at this moment and have it (this precious moment) to make whatever difference in a life (mine or another’s) in whichever way, big or small, it is in my capacity to do so. 

v  Last but never least, the incredible friendship that has cheered me and steadied me tirelessly through everything the year has been... My n# 1 Fan. Without you there would be no Sparkle. There are no words that could do my feelings justice.

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