Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year... And Those Resolutions

Happy New Year all!
A New Year is life’s offering of a new chapter, a new scene. Well, any day or time can be that if you choose it to be... But there is (in the general psyche) this inexplicable greater significance about the moment of transition from the previous year to the new one. Which is why more people the world over resolve to make life changes on (or as of) January 1 than on any other day (sober or otherwise).
In keeping with tradition I set my Resolutions for 2011 down... a little later than most perhaps, but they are written... Obviously amongst my foremost aspirations for 2011 would be to finally have Belonging made into an animated feature film. I have been reflecting on the year gone by, the effort made in this regard to date. And I have asked myself... 
... How do I do more?
What do I do differently? 
... I have some answers. Watch this space for those. And check how you can participate in taking our campaign to a whole new level.
America has a black President;
Hurt Locker trumped Avatar for Best Picture Award at the Oscars in 2009 (and Director, Kathyrn Bigelow made every woman proud...);
A Zimbabwean excelled at X Factor UK...
So Belonging can be made into an animated feature film...

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Members of the Facebook Make Belonging An Animated Feature Film Campaign Group, as I wish for myself, a creatively fulfilling 2011...