Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Reasons Belonging Deserves to Be On Screen

Of course there have to be more reasons that I believe in Belonging being suitable cartoon material besides…

  1. The dialogue for ‘Belonging’ flowed into my mind in ‘cartoon motion.’

Here is a list I compiled of others:

  1. Belonging is a story with a lesson of tolerance. The world can never have too many stories that advocate acceptance of each other as people- as human beings- considering;
-          the xenophobic attacks in South Africa
-          religious tensions in Nigeria
-           tribal conflicts across the African continent and others
-          Israeli-Palestinian conflict
-          French expulsion of the Roma
-          Francophone and Flemish speaking disputes in a small town in Belgium
-          the Immigrant Bill in Arizona
-          racism
-          and political clashes just about anywhere we care to look

  1. The global necessity of the message of tolerance/ acceptance guarantees ‘Belonging’ a global appeal.

  1. Belonging’s prominent themes (e.g tolerance/acceptance) extend across generations. So it would be another All Ages opportunity for families to sit, hopefully laugh and to learn from together.

  1. Belonging, the animated feature film would be fun to do as well as fun to watch. Lots of laughs for everyone.

  1. Belonging could be a multi-national production integrating ideas from a worldwide pool in the true spirit of the era globalization.

  1. (a) It would be that more fulfilling to have a production process that could engage unrecognized artistic, technical, and vocal talent from communities commonly deprived of exposure. There are gifted people out there who seek only a break through. Their battle is my battle.

Failing to have (a)....
(b) Hollywood actors performing an African script!!! Need I say more?

  1. The production of ‘Belonging’ for Hollywood would go a significant way in aiding the awakening of the movie world to the wealth of unexploited stories in Africa, sitting and waiting to be turned into films.

  1. ‘Belonging’ is an excuse to celebrate the wildlife of Africa and the color that is Africa.

  1. ‘Belonging’ is a screenplay out of Africa by an African. In the age of diversity, Belonging is an opportunity for Hollywood (if it wants it) to show its support for writers from a broader scope.

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